Business Collaborative for Brain Health Partners with HERO to Launch the Brain Health Best Practice Score for Employers

New educational tool will help companies assess how well their health and well-being programs support their workforce’s brain health, a critical factor in employees’ overall health, performance and productivity

NEW YORK, Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Business Collaborative for Brain Health led by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s has teamed up with Health Enhancement Research Organization (HERO) to launch the Brain Health Best Practice Score, an educational resource to help organizations assess their health and well-being initiatives for promoting brain health. This new tool is freely available to companies of all sizes.

The Collaborative is an alliance of private sector companies and institutions working to optimize brain health for better business results and a more prosperous, inclusive economy. It is spearheaded by UsAgainstAlzheimer’s, a nonprofit patient advocacy organization fighting to end Alzheimer’s by promoting prevention, early detection and diagnosis, and access to treatment. Founding Partners of the Collaborative include AARP, Eisai, GN Group, Eli Lilly and Company and Novo Nordisk. Additional members and advisors include leading companies across various industries including Kroger, Chevron and Bank of America.

“Brain health is the root source of society’s economic and social well-being, the engine of innovation, and the absence of debilitating mental and neurological disorders. The Brain Health Best Practice Score is one way companies can better prioritize the cognitive health of their employees while gaining a competitive edge,” said George Vradenburg, chairman and co-founder of UsAgainstAlzheimer’s. “By supporting brain health across the lifespan, we enhance productivity, analytical thinking, and resilience to solve modern business challenges, while also tackling the global ecological, economic and demographic challenges prevalent today, one of the most significant of which is preventing Alzheimer’s.”

Developed in collaboration with public health and neuroscience experts, the Brain Health Best Practice Score is a new feature of the HERO Health and Well-being Best Practices Scorecard in Collaboration with Mercer© (HERO Scorecard). The HERO Scorecard helps organizations learn about best practices for promoting overall workplace health and well-being and discover opportunities to improve and measure progress over time. 

Employers can access the HERO Scorecard and educational brain health resources on the Business Collaborative for Brain Health’s website. Upon completion, organizations will receive an overall score and four subscores for practices addressing specific areas of employee well-being including mental health, DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion), social determinants of health, and now brain health.

“The HERO Scorecard has been used by more than 3,000 employers to inform their workforce health and well-being strategy tied to business outcomes, with higher scores being linked to superior healthcare cost trends as well as higher stock performance for publicly traded companies,” said Karen Moseley, president and CEO of HERO. “A comprehensive approach to employee health and well-being includes best practices that support brain health, and this new Brain Health Best Practice Score will enable businesses and institutions to understand evidence-based practices, gauge where they are, and make informed decisions leading to healthier employees and a healthier bottom line.”

“For over a decade, Mercer has collaborated with HERO in providing this free online tool that enables organizations to assess the extent to which they are utilizing evidence-based best practices for their workforce health and well-being initiatives,” said Steven Noeldner, a Partner in Mercer’s Health business. “Brain health is inextricably linked with physical and mental health, and we’re thrilled to launch the latest version of the HERO Scorecard incorporating the Brain Health Best Practice Score, which evaluates the use of workforce programs and organizational support aimed at fostering a healthy work environment for optimal brain function, such as promoting mental acuity, managing stress and supporting emotional resilience.”

“We are excited to help employers gain insights in how they can support their workforce’s brain health across their lifespans,” said Sarah Lock, executive vice president at AARP. “AARP is proud to be a Founding Partner of the Business Collaborative for Brain Health, because by 2031, employees 55 and older will make up over a quarter of the global workforce. Older workers contribute to an age diverse workforce bringing greater productivity and adept problem solving to their teams, so encouraging all staff to develop and maintain their brain health helps employers as well as their staff.”

It’s estimated that impaired brain health is costing the global economy as much as $8.5 trillion a year in lost productivity and that for every $1 invested in human capital, $11.39 is added to the GDP

More than two-thirds of employees in the U.S. report they are not engaged or are actively disengaged at work, according to polling by Gallup. At the same time, disparate, underutilized wellness programs often overlook a key driver of employee engagement and performance–workers’ brains. 

“Business leaders are uniquely positioned to spearhead brain health initiatives on a large scale, setting a precedent that can inspire health systems and governments to develop supportive policies,” said Krystal Sexton, health analytics manager at Shell. “Their influence can catalyze widespread change, creating a ripple effect that drives collective action toward prioritizing cognitive well-being across all sectors.”

Organizations interested in becoming a member of the Business Collaborative for Brain Health can inquire at Members of the Collaborative get early access to data, insights and innovations and the opportunity to connect with other industry leaders working to build brain capital and advance measurably effective brain healthy workplaces. 

About UsAgainstAlzheimer’s
UsAgainstAlzheimer’s is engaged in a relentless pursuit to end Alzheimer’s, the sixth leading killer in America. Our work centers on prevention, early detection and diagnosis, and equal access to treatments regardless of gender, race, or ethnicity. To achieve our mission, we give voice to patients and caregivers while partnering with government, scientists, the private sector, and allied organizations -- the people who put the “Us” in UsAgainstAlzheimer’s.

About HERO
Based in Raleigh, NC, HERO (the Health Enhancement Research Organization) is a not-for-profit, 501(c)3 think tank that was established in 1997. HERO is dedicated to identifying and sharing best practices that improve the health and well-being of employees, their families, and communities. To learn more, visit: Follow us on Facebook or LinkedIn.

Media Contact
Kristine Fedorenko

09/19/2024 13:30 -0400

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